Amnesty International Canada

Defend Şebnem Korur Fincancı from intimidation and harassment

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Şebnem has helped thousands in her home country of Türkiye and around the world by advocating for the eradication of torture. Now she needs your help to defend herself against the relentless hostility of the Turkish authorities. She won’t be silenced in her fight for human rights.

At home, Professor Şebnem Korur Fincancı is a cat-loving classical music fan who enjoys cooking and listening to Beethoven. But to the world, she is a globally recognized forensic medicine expert, known for her work to eradicate torture. A tireless campaigner against the use of torture, Şebnem has always fought to protect human rights.

During her distinguished career as a forensic medical expert, Şebnem has worked with the United Nations and the World Health Organization, and closer to home she was the head of the Turkish Medical Association. But in recent years, the Turkish authorities relentlessly targeted her.

For years Şebnem was relentlessly harassed, and subjected to baseless criminal investigations, detention, and charges by the Turkish authorities. After calling for an investigation into allegations that the Turkish military was using chemical weapons in Iraq, she was convicted in January 2023 for allegedly “making propaganda for a terrorist organization”. She is appealing the charge, but she could face a prison sentence if her conviction is upheld, simply for expressing her concerns as an expert.

The Turkish government is relentlessly clamping down on freedom of expression, restricting the crucial human rights work of people like Şebnem. But she will not be discouraged. She has always refused to give in, and as she says, she has never “had the habit of bowing to any authority to this day”. 

Sign the petition and tell the Turkish authorities to stop harassing Şebnem now. 

Read the petition letter below

To: Minister of Justice

Dear Minister:

I call on you to ensure the criminal justice system is not misused to harass forensic medicine expert Şebnem Korur Fincancı and no other charges are brought against her for defending human rights. 

Şebnem has been subjected to baseless criminal investigations, detention and prosecutions for years, in a bid to silence her and stop her important work. In January 2023, she was convicted for allegedly “making propaganda for a terrorist organization” after she had called for an investigation into allegations that the Turkish military was using chemical weapons in Iraq.

Calling for the eradication of torture should never be criminalized.

Yours sincerely, 

tell the Turkish authorities to stop harassing Şebnem now!


Every year on or around Human Rights Day on December 10, hundreds of thousands of Write for Rights supporters around the world send letters or e-mails on behalf of someone they've never met whose human rights are being violated. 

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