Amnesty International Canada

Oqba Hashad detained for his brother’s human rights activism

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Demand the immediate and unconditional release of Oqba Hashad!

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Egyptian authorities have held 27-year-old student Oqba Hashad in pretrial detention since May 2019, in retaliation for his brother’s human rights activism. Oqba was forcibly disappeared, tortured and denied the prosthetic leg he has used to move unassisted since a childhood accident. Sign the petition and demand his immediate release.

On May 20, 2019, National Security Agency agents stormed university student Oqba Hashad’s dorm, arresting all the students present. After a few days, the other students were released – but not Oqba. Agents realized he was the brother of Amr Hashad, an exiled human rights activist  who was calling out the country’s human rights violations.  
For 77 days, Oqba’s family had no idea where he was. During this time, he was tortured – including electric shocks to his genitals and to the stump of his right leg, which had been amputated following a childhood accident.  
In August 2022, the prosthetic leg he needs to move freely broke. After 16 months he was finally given a replacement, but it does not fit and could lead to serious injuries if used. 
On February 20, 2024, a judge ordered his release, as he had been held in pretrial detention for longer than the two years permitted by Egyptian law. To bypass this, prosecutors opened a new bogus case against him to justify his continued detention. 
Oqba is being denied proper medical care and even a bed to sleep in. His health is seriously deteriorating. 

Sign the petition and demand Oqba’s immediate and unconditional release.

Read the petition letter below

To: President of Egypt

Your Excellency:

I am writing to demand the release of Oqba Hashad. 

The 27-year-old student has been held in pretrial detention since May 2019, solely in retaliation for his brother’s human rights activism. 

Egyptian authorities forcibly disappeared and tortured Oqba and continue to deny him the prosthetic leg he has used since a childhood accident – leaving him physically reliant on others . Held in terrible conditions without adequate healthcare, a new bogus case against him has been opened to justify his continued detention.

Oqba Hashad must be immediately and unconditionally released, as his detention is related solely to his brother’s human rights activism.

Yours sincerely, 

Demand the immediate release of Oqba Hashad!


Every year on or around Human Rights Day on December 10, hundreds of thousands of Write for Rights supporters around the world send letters or e-mails on behalf of someone they've never met whose human rights are being violated. 

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