Amnesty International Canada



Stop the Crackdown in Bangladesh


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Bangladesh witnessed the deadliest crackdown against protesters in the country’s post-independence history. The heavy-handed response from the authorities has resulted in the deaths of hundreds of students, journalists, and bystanders, and injured thousands. Following the protests, former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina fled the country on 5 August. Sign the petition now and demand that the government of Bangladesh hold those responsible accountable and urgently end the oppression.

On July 1, 2024, university students launched protests to demand reforms in the existing quota-system which reserves 30% of government jobs for descendants of independence war veterans claiming that it unjustly favours supporters of the ruling party.

The protests were met with a severe crackdown by the authorities, resulting in 540 reported deaths. Thousands more people were injured. Mass arrests of protesters occurred nationwide with the government accusing over 213,000 people in around 200 cases.  

Amnesty International’s investigations show that security forces responded to the protests with unlawful, and sometimes lethal, force. The Bangladesh authorities also failed to prevent attacks against protesters allegedly carried out by members of the Bangladesh Chatra League (BCL), a group affiliated with the ruling party. The authorities issued a “shoot on sight” curfew and nationwide blackouts, cutting off the country from the rest of the world.

The rights and safety of Bangladeshis are at serious risk. Immediate action is needed to hold those responsible to account.


To: Government of Bangladesh

Bangladesh is witnessing the deadliest crackdown against protesters in the country’s post-independence history. The government of Bangladesh must act urgently to uphold human rights.

We call on you to:

  • End the crackdown on the rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly.
  • Conduct a thorough, effective, independent and impartial investigation into the deaths and hold the perpetrators accountable.
  • Immediately release all those who have been arrested solely for exercising their rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly.
  • Urgently strengthen legal and judicial capacity to undertake investigations into crimes under international law and gross human rights violations.

Read More

Bangladesh: Further video and photographic analysis confirm police unlawfully used lethal and less-lethal weapons against protesters (25 July 2024)

PHOTO CREDIT Activists demonstrate in front of the Bangladesh High Commission (embassy) in the capital Colombo on July 22, 2024, demanding an end to a government crackdown against protesters opposing a controversial job allocation quota system. © ISHARA S. KODIKARA/AFP via Getty Images.



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