Amnesty International Canada

Demand Rita’s freedom

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Urge Kyrgyzstan to free Rita Karasartova!

Fill out the form below to add your name to the petition. 

Signatures collected on this petition will be delivered at the end of January 2024 including only your name and country as provided on this form.

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The government of Kyrgyzstan is attacking basic human rights. Rita is currently under house arrest for peacefully protesting in support of the protection of a freshwater reservoir. Call for her charges to be dropped and demand her freedom. Sign the petition now.

Rita Karasartova loves spending time with her children, practising yoga, and sewing chapans, the traditional quilted jackets worn by people in Kyrgyzstan. But since October 2022 Rita’s life has been turned upside down. She was held in a cramped cell for months, had no access to medical care and couldn’t see or speak to her family. Now she is under house arrest and has a strict curfew. 

Rita is a human rights defender and an expert in civic governance. For over a decade she dedicated her life to providing independent legal advice, helping those whose rights had been violated by a corrupt and unreliable legal system. 

Along with 26 others, Rita was arrested in October 2022 for opposing a new border agreement that risked Uzbekistan taking control of a freshwater reservoir. The group called for peaceful demonstrations against the agreement, and for transparency from the government. Like others, Rita feared that Uzbekistan would restrict or ban access to water, a scarce resource in the region, with devastating consequences.

She is charged with attempting to “violently overthrow the government” and faces up to 15 years in prison.

Sign the petition and demand Rita is immediately released from house arrest, all charges against her dropped and ensure she can carry out human rights activities without fear of retaliation.

Demand freedom for Rita Karasartova now!

Read the petition letter below

To: General Prosecutor, Kyrgyz Republic 

Dear General Prosecutor:

I call on you to immediately and unconditionally release human rights defender Rita Karasartova from house arrest and drop all charges against her.

Rita Karasartova has been persecuted for exercising her right to freedom of expression and freedom of assembly. It is essential that the authorities allow her to carry out her legitimate human rights activities without fear of retaliation.

Yours sincerely, 

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