Amnesty International Canada

Hong Kong

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785 people have taken action

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Urge Hong Kong to free Chow Hang-tung!

Fill out the form below to add your name to the petition. 

Note: Signatures collected on this petition will be delivered to Chinese government officials including only your name and country as provided on this form.

Other details you provide will be processed in line with Amnesty International’s privacy policy.

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"To say I’m not afraid would be a lie, but I’m not so afraid I dare do nothing.”

Chow Hang-tung, a young human rights lawyer, is imprisoned in Hong Kong for holding vigils to commemorate the victims of the Tiananmen Square crackdown.

In 1989, hundreds – possibly thousands – of protesters peacefully calling for economic and social reforms were killed by troops around Tiananmen Square.   Today, in the face of an escalating crackdown on free expression by the Chinese government, the memory of what happened on Tiananmen Square teeters on the brink of erasure.   

For over three decades, the Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China organized the world’s largest candlelight vigil to commemorate the Tiananmen crackdown in Hong Kong. However, the struggle for the right to remember has been under attack since the National Security Law was imposed on the city by the Chinese government in June 2020.  

A key figure in this struggle is Chow Hang-tung, a Hong Kong human rights lawyer and former vice-chairperson of the Alliance, who now serves a 22-month jail term for peacefully advocating remembrance. The recent enactment of an even harsher national security law (known as the Article 23) – with up to 10 years jail term for peacefully criticizing the government – has underscored the lengths authorities will go to silence dissent and erase history.  

Chow, a brilliant graduate from a top university, could have charted a different path, but instead, she chose to risk her own freedom to champion the rights of others. Her resilience in the face of adversity speaks volumes, and her unwavering commitment to commemorating the victims stands in stark contrast with the government’s efforts to silence dissent and erase history.   

Sign the petition and call for:   

  • The immediate and unconditional release of Chow Hang-tung. 

  • Drop all charges aganst her. 

stand with Chow Hang-tung and insist on the right to preserve the memory of the Tiananmen Square crackdown

Read the petition letter below

To: Secretary for Justice, Hong Kong

Dear Secretary:

I call on you to immediately and unconditionally release human rights lawyer Chow Hang-tung and drop all charges against her, as she has been charged solely for peacefully exercising her rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly. 

Chow is serving 22 months in jail for peacefully remembering the victims of the Tiananmen Square crackdown in 1989. She is also facing further wrongful imprisonment for allegedly endangering national security through her entirely peaceful actions.

Yours sincerely, 



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